Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Nisekoi, released in English as Nisekoi: False Love, is a Japanese romantic comedy series written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi. Nisekoi follows a high school student named Raku Ichijo, the son of the leader in the yakuza fraction Shuei-Gumi, and Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of the boss in the rival gang known as Beehive.
As a child, Raku Ichijo made a secret promise with this childhood sweetheart, keeping a pendant as a memento while his love took the key. He dreams of one day meeting this past love, but years later, reality smashes his hopes when Chitoge accidentally knees him in the face and he loses his locket.
Upon returning home, Raku leanrs that the Shuei-Gumi and Beehive gang have agreed to settle their feud by pairing the leader's childen together. Raku learns that his girlfriend-to-be is none other than Chitoge.
For the next three years, they must pretend to be in a relationship to maintain peace between the gangs.
If you are into a romance comedies than Nisekoi is a must watch!
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