Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Bleach ( ブリーチ ) is a Japanese anime series written by Noriyuki Abe. The series follows the adventure of the main character Ichigo Kurosaki, a normal teenage student but with a strong sixth sense for spirits. This allows him to see spirits, ghosts and hollows of which are a demon only found in the Bleach world.

The ability for Ichigo to see spirits allows him to meet a soul reaper, a death personification similar to the grim reaper, by the name of Rukia Kuchiki. Whom lends him her abilities making Ichigo himself become a soul reaper. This is where the journey for Ichigo begins, where he learns more about his soul reaper ability and more about soul society. He is faced with numerous challenges and we can watch him grow during the series to become the most powerful soul reaper.

Ichigo Kurosaki

If you want to know what happens to Ichigo and his new found abilities; learn more about the soul reapers and where they come from, or find out what hollows are and how the anime Bleach depicts the human world and soul society and the balance between them, then watch the series as it is a very very interesting and action packed anime.

Also, if you like animes that follow the protagonist and tell you the story of him/her becoming strong and the challenges he/she faces along the way then Bleach is a good anime for you. Or if you simply love beautiful artwork or the concept of dualing, special powers and monsters then Bleach is also for you.

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